Despite the last post showing how we work in the cold, watch out for clues that these next photo's were taken on a hot day!
Above is the main Station area and goods yard
Most complex area, the station approach and link to goods yard and lower yard and sidings as well as small track down to quay area.
Here trackwork splits in heights, upper area to main line and yards,
lower area to branch line and sidings
Swivel your head! to see central area of layout.
Here is the last main board, (left hand side as you look at it) where there are 4 levels; lower tracks are siding on level, next is branch line coming in from right and going down, above that are the two main lines and at top, on level are three industry sidings.
So, did you spot the clue? - yes my feet! in open sandals! Anyway we took these as a record of the track plan for future reference.
The most complex board of the five is this one with 14 points, Bernie is smiling because he set us off on all the wiring!
Now we are in a position where most of the wiring is complete, next step is to link point control to two CML Dac 20's and programme the points on CML LocoAnalyse software.
The layout in typical "tidy" state! somewhere under this lot is some trackwork!
as Steve searches for some more wire!
We are fitting several full width magnets to operate with Kadee un-couplers.
They have to be fitted central to track for optimal working.
We have now fitted the last Cobalt point motor on the main boards, here you see another mark out for a under track magnet.
Where space under the board was an issue, we mounted the Cobalts using small nut and bolts,
here you can see the final bolt ready for tightening.
Keep tuning in for further updates.....
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