Most of our work has centred on getting the track-
work and joints for the 5 main boards complete so we could move onto the electrics we need to do further test running and point control...
Ex N.A.S.A. Senior Electronics Engineer (Kevin) is seen here starting to fit the CML Dac 20's that we are using to fire all the Cobalt slow motion point motors (he looks so happy in his work!)
Here is what one of the boards looks like in close up.
This is the underside of our No; 2 board, this is the most complex with 14 points inc double slips etc.
You will see on the extreme right what appears to be more Dac 20's actaully one of the two boards is another Digitrax board called a PM 42 - this splits the power bus into 4 distinct districts.
The board on the left is the Dac 20 (these are from CML Electronics who produce several similar products for assisting with DCC control) The right hand board is the PM42. We programme the Dac 20's using CML's own software called Locoanalyse which is a free download.
Once each point is programmed, a one off job, then all points can be operated by hand throttles, command stations and or mimic?control boards.
We have also started to consider how we might section the trackwork (zip)
for the isolation joints on the electrofrog pointwork.
Here, Kevin and Bernie are figuring out how many cuts we need in the trackwork
and which are the best positions.
Keep tuned in for further updates.....
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